Southern Tour

Hoornsemeer, Paterswoldsemeer, Onlanden, Haren

  In Groningen, the southern part of the city offers some great attractions for a day trip. 

Distance: 20km

Tour Highlights:

1. Start your journey in the Centrum of Groningen.

2. Pass by the The Groninger Museum: an innovative and contemporary art museum.

3. Head towards Hoornsemeer: This picturesque lake and its surrounding area are great for cycling, and water activities. It’s a very popular spot for locals to enjoy outdoor recreation.

4. Eelderwolde: This beautiful village is located near the Paterswoldsemeer, offering scenic views and relaxing walking paths. Nearby, you’ll find the ‘Sprookjeshof,’ a family-friendly park with a petting zoo and playgrounds.

5. Continue along the Paterswoldsemeer, another scenic lake.

6. Explore the Onlanden, a nature reserve known for its wildlife and wetlands.

7. On your way back, ride through Haren, a charming town just south of Groningen.

8. Finally, make your way back to the Centrum of Groningen to complete your bike tour. Enjoy your ride and take in the sights and sounds of this picturesque region!